Privacy Notice

Data Protection

This Notice explains how we obtain, use and disclose your personal information, in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”). At Ignite Solutions (including this website) we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is collected and used properly, lawfully and transparently.

Storage and processing of personal data

Electronically submitted personal data collected on this website, such as name, e-mail address or other personal information, will be processed together with the timestamp and the IP address the request originated from. The data is used for the specified purpose only, kept safe and won’t be shared with third parties without your explicit consent. We only use personal data for communication with visitors who explicitly request contact.

We will not disclose your personal information without consent, but we can not completely rule out any possibility that this information will be accessible in the event of unlawful behavior. If you send personal information via e-mail - outside the context of this website - we can not guarantee secure transmission and protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data via e-mail. Where possible, we will inform you what information you are required to provide to us and what information is optional.

All data processing on this website follows the laws and regulations based on Protection of Personal Information Act (often called the POPI Act or POPIA). Regarding the POPI, this website serves our legitimate business interest of improving our product and service offerings, as well as our web presentation.

This site uses for contact form processing. Using the contact form, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred for processing.

View Privacy Policy Here

Your Rights

In principle, you have the right to request information, correction, deletion, restriction of use, data portability, revocation and opposition regarding your personal data. Please contact us directly via Email for any such inquiry. If you believe that the processing of your data violates POPI Act, or if your rights have been violated in any way, you can also complain to the authorities. In South Africa, this is the Protection of Personal Information Act, whose website you can find here: popia